Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are all rats...?

really sensitive to noise? My rats jump or freak out at every small or semi-loud noise, such as paper or if you set something down, even almost the clicking of the keyboard. I do understand if they could be because of their big ears, but i wasn't sure if it was just a rat thing or if they're more skittish.
As soon as we brought each of our girls home we immediately got to work on socializing them with humans and human noises (socialization with other rats is delayed until quarantine). They got used to our usual noises very quickly, including talking at regular volume, the occasional loud radio downstairs, dropping of items because we are clumsy. They usually wake up if I try to sneak into their room and catch a glimpse of the adorable rat pile (u never know what a tangle they will be in each time). DARN!
They know the difference between us walking down the hall past the room and walking into the room. They know when we are coming home and are all excited to see us if we have been away for the weekend.
Try giving your rats treats when you expose them to regular common noises. Maybe that will help them get used to them. Or you could just keep them in a quieter room and bring them into the noise on your person in free-range time.
every animal is differant ( even if its the same speices ) for yours it might have better hearing then the other rats but who knows realy you shoudl go to a vet or a pet store for more info good luck if this helps
i dunno, i'm scared of rats lol.
Yes they are, just like rabbits, as they are prey. Most animals are after them and they know this.
my rats arnt but i have loud dogs so they might be use to it
Yea, they have phenomenal hearing. Plus their instincts kick in to tell them to hide when they hear a noise. My rats usual grow out of it the older they get.
your rat is skittish compared to most..
rats can carry blue bonnet plague ..and you have one of the nasty varmint for a pet..get a life get a bird of a fish tank...
Apparently stanleymcqueen doesn't realize that domestic rats don't carry diseases. Anyways, I know that my rats recognize my footsteps when I come to feed them, but they don't seem to freak out at loud noises. As some other people have said, yours could just have more sensitive hearing than other rats.
I would say that's pretty skittish. We have 3 and they are in my sons room. He's 9 and far from quiet, plus he always has the TV on.
Are your rats male or female? My female rats seem to be a lot more skitish than the males and will jump at noises like you described. My male rats are much more laid back and will generally be curious about what the noise is and investigate.
All my ratties are pretty desensitized except for the two younger ones, Ozzy and Frosty. They're always around people and other animals, so they're pretty used to a rambunctious household.
not all rats are jumpy to sounds but they are more sensitive to them because of their ears and not having good eye site. they may be jumping because they can't identify the sound.
my 2 rats are not skittish. they can sleep threw the vacuum cleaner.
No. I think where ever you got your rat was not the best place. they were not handled often enough so then you got a shy scared rat. Try to play with your rats more to tame them.

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