Saturday, May 22, 2010

Are Hampsters migratory speecis with good direction senses like homing pidgeons?

I think I leaft mine in the motel I stayed in last nite... I was pretty drunk.
hahaha.. I am going to throw a few pet-rocks at your numbskull.
Well I sure hope this is a bad joke. Either way, you probably shouldn't own any pets ever. Not even a pet rock.
hamsters are originally from the deserts of syria and I guess in the wild they do have good homing skills like pigeons as they would run up to 8 miles a night in search of food to bring back to their young.
But they are extinct in the wild now and are only available as pets. Its clear your pulling a fast one with saying you left your hamster in a motel room! but if you were to loose a hamster in your home, its unlikely he will come back to you- you would have to search for him.
no they have no peripheal vision

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