Monday, May 24, 2010

Are My Gerbils Happy?

Here's the story: I have two Gerbils. I bought the first one not knowing much about them (the guy at the pet store told me they were pretty much like hamsters, WRONG!). After doing research and discovering they were social animals I bought another one and tried to do the split cage method to introduce them. It didn't work and they tried to kill each other, so now they live in separate cages. They both have wheels, chew toys, treats, houses, and coconuts to keep them occupied but I just feel like they are bored all the time! I get them out and interact with them several times a day and I set my bathtub up with toys and stuff to play with, but they want out after a few minutes. I just don't know what to do to keep them happy/occupied! Or is it just Gerbil nature? Any tips on how to keep them entertained? Sorry it's so long and I appreciate any help!
Gerbils are indeed social creatures but only with their FAMILY or others that they've known since they were babies. They will get along with other gerbils that they've grown up with, they NEED the company of other gerbils, but if you try to introduce 2 adult gerbils, they will fight to the death. Seriously. So next time, be SURE to buy two boys or two girls from the same litter or at least very young.
From what you tell us, it seems you are doing the very best you can, considering how that idiot at the pet store mislead you. Hopefully even though they can't live together, they can still communicate some and not be so lonely.
I think you can spend as much time with them as you want, the more the better. Gerbils are NOT nocturnal, they are what's called Crepuscular -- meaning more active at dawn and dusk.
I agree with all the others who recommend giving them cardboard. When I had gerbils everyone I knew saved their paper towel rolls for me! Gerbils LOVE them!!
Gerbils also LOVE TO DIG. In nature they live underground. So if you want to fill an aquarium with dirt and let them take turns, they might really enjoy this. They will get dirty though! I bet if you did some searching you could find directions on how to make a great digging place for them!
You are doing great with them. Pat yourself on the back!
of course they're happy i mean if i was one of your gerbils and you typed a book basically and provided all those wonderfull things i would be happy
that's what people think with pets. you want more of what you have for them. gerbils dont really need all that much attention.once maybe twice a day for 20 minutes should be fine.if they have toys and stuff and are playing than they should be fine, its just your conscience messing with you. they're fine just let them be and let nature take its course
Give them brown toilet paper rolls (not bleached ones) to chew after the toilet paper is all used up. My late gerbil (Horhay the Herbil) LOVED to shred them. Just make sure there's no glue on it. You could also them unbleached napkins, paper towels, or paper towel rolls for them to chew up. It could keep them busy for hours!
Also, my gerbil loved this crinkly bedding- he would burrow in it with gerbil glee:
If you try this bedding, you might want to put a layer of more absorbent bedding/litter like Carefresh underneath.
As for snacks, gerbils go crazy for sunflower seeds but they aren't that healthy so only as an infrequent snack.
Small domestic rodents, like Gerbils,Hamsters,Mice, and Guinea Pigs are usually pretty happy with some paper-towel rolls, some tubes, and a wheel. Try giving them apples,carrots, and lettuce. And tomatoes, they love when you give them snacks an surprise them by hand-feeding them. It's good you let them out in your bathtub to run around, that will keep them happy. Lots of holding, try letting them climb up and down your staircase, my friend's Gerbils LOVE IT! My Hams do too, they get quite fast. So keep a close eye on them.
Gerbils, in their nature sleep much of the day because they are nocturnal. When you are up they probably do not want to play much because they are tired. You are right it is gerbil nature. They are probably fine, although there really is no way to tell, a gerbil that takes a good run on its wheel should be pretty happy!
A lot of people who have 'loner' gerbils worry about their happiness. It sounds like you are a great gerbil owner, and I would love to be a gerbil in your house! But, i do have one more suggestion...lots and lots of cardboard. Paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, etc. They LOVE it. I also give mine all the junk mail. It gives them something to do and helps keep the teeth nice and trim.
by the way, they are not actually considered truly 'nocturnal' because they are active early in the morning and at dusk, so they are awake more during the day than something like a hamster.
If you leave their cages close to one another long enough for them to become used to the smell of one another, they should eventually grow to stand each other. The small patch on their stomachs is their scent gland. That is how they identify each other, by smell. They just have to get used to that before they are willing to be "friends".
So just keep their cages close at all times and keep trying to let let them play together until they finally stop fighting.
I think they should be really happy! You are taking awesome care of them. How did you do the split cage? How old are they, and what gender? It's easier to introduce males and/or younger gerbils. To keep them entertained, you could give them carboard tubes; they will go through them if they can fit, and then chew them up. I think you are already doin a great job, but since they are social animals, if you can't get them to accept another gerb then there's not much else you can do.
Keep up the good work! :)
this is what i thought when i first got my 2 gerbils. i kept buying them more things to make them happier, until my mom said, enough!! but i learned, they are very capable at entertaining themselves! sounds like you provide them with tons of great things, i just can't sit in my bathtub with mine, bcuz there's not enough hours in the day! they also LOVE toilet paper tubes! it makes great bedding once they chew it up. i give my gerbils 2 everyday, and it keeps them busy for a long time. anything cardboard (cereal boxes, cardboard tubes, etc...) my family always gives to me, once its of no use anymore, lol.
here is also a great site that helped me when i got mine:
good luck, and i hope i helped!
what i know about my gerbil ,she loves to chew on toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls ,she makes her bed out of them
it is very true they are very social animals if you are that worried than try getting another and let them all run around in the same room and maybe if the new one likes both of them they will learn to like each other but they sound pretty happy to me try making them a treat this may sound stupid but it helps a lot ok here it is ok first take some gerbil food and put it in a bowl or something then put some peanut butter and mix it and then put some like cheerios or some kinda cereal and mix that all together and cook it in the oven [til it gets hot] then after that take it out and cool it off a little and feed it to your gerbils they LOVE it so give that a try :)
If they are young they should be able to be paired up with a gerbil friend.
See if you can get a breeder at to do the introduction for you; it can be tricky with some gerbils. They might like living near if not with the other gerbil, if you have to keep them alone.
Make sure they have 3 inches of litter to tunnel in and cardboard every day to gnaw (a paper towel roll or a small box).
The person who said gerbils are noctural is wrong about that; they are crescepular (nappers - who sleep most soundly at noon and midnight when it is very hot an very cold in their semi desert home country). If your gerbils are sleeping all day they could feel lonely or vulnerable. The free runs in the bathtub are a great idea though -- funning at top speed is often the lone gerbils antidepressant.
Gerbils love to jew, get them lots of chew toys!

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