Monday, May 24, 2010

Are rabbits nocturnal??

my rabbit doesn't seem as active during the day it is at night
Rabbits are nocturnal animals and most of their activity takes place at night.
If your bun is an indoor rabbit and is keeping you up at night place the cage in another room where it won't disrupt anyone, ie. the laundry room.
If your rabbit is housed outside the noise should not be an issue unless the hutch is located under a window. Again, if the noise is a problem, move the hutch.
There is not much else you can do, it is their nature. Toys provided in the cage may help increase the activity in the day and if those increase the noise at night, remove the toys every evening.
they are not nocturnal and they're not rodents either, they're lagomorphes.
Rabbits are actually "crepuscular", meaning they are most active in the twilight hours of both sunrise and sunset.
Rabbits are actually "crepuscular", meaning they are most active in the twilight hours of both sunrise and sunset.
This is because before becoming domesticated, rabbits evolved as a prey species for thousands of years. Evolutionarily it was safest for rabbits to leave the safety of their burrow and forrage for food in the transition between day and night when the light is dim. This is the time when nocturnal (night) predators such as owls can't see well because of too much light, and when diurnal (day) predators such as foxes, can't see well because it is too dark. Smart bunnies!
YES! But the rabbit does not make much sound in a cage except for the thumping when it hops around in it's cage or it chewing. But on top of it all rabbits are angels!

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