Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adding another guinea pig! Is this a good idea?

I know a lot of people will say males will fight eachother to death, BUT, I know that's not true! I want TRUE answers about this, so read CAREFULLY. I have 1 male guinea pig. He is 7 months old, BUT, I've only had him for 4 months. The other 3 months he was at a petstore with at least 10 other male guinea pigs. My friend has sadly chosen to breed guinea pigs, so I'm going to take a 3 month old male from her. Is this a good idea? If not, how come? If so, how come?
that should work but u need a big cage so they can both have there own territory. you should quarentine the new gp for 3 weeks in a seperate cage and different room just incase it is sick. make sure to introduce them on nutral territory. for more about introductions and quarentining go to
good luck i hope this helps!
ps for bigger cages that are pretty cheap go to
I don't think it is a good idea it probably did'nt fight with those guinea pigs because they were always around each other.I can tell you from personal experience with my own that they do fight and hurt each other badly my two males got into a fight and one got a very deep,nasty gash on it.You can see how they would respond to each other by holding them a few inches apart but if either one satrs chattering at the other get them away from each other.
Well... threes are always risky numbers i wouldnt add another one in because it will cause an upset in the group and the other two may gang up on it. if u still wanted your friends guinea pig then get two and keep them in a seperate hutch...
go to, they have information on introducing new pigs. A lot of the time it depends more on the personality of the individual pigs than whether they are male or female. I would give it a try.
I think that one of your pigs is a lot younger is a positive thing, an older pig will often accept a younger pig.
Have you heard of the 'bath method'? Clean the cage (make sure it's a big one like on ), then put both males in the tub with about an inch or two of warm water and give them both a bath. Because of the unusual circumstances they won't fight, plus you get rid of any territorial odor as well. Instead they kind of bond because they are a little freaked out about the bath.
I have read that males usually will get along fine if they have grown up together/ or are brothers. I would try it when they are as young as possible-as soon as possible since they are both not even 6 months of age.
Also, puting them into a cage that has the first piggies scent and stuff in it is a not so good idea, once they seem ok together during playdates in a pig proof room while supervised, you could try puting them both in a large cage-largest you can afford-so it will be neutral territory. Also introduce them in neutral territory to avoid fighting. This also applies to 2 females-I have 4 girl piggie pies. This has worked for me. If it doesn't work out, you can house them side by side in separate cages and just do supervised play sessions. Good luck.
If this is going to be her only litter, you can take one, two, OR MORE from her. You will need a bigger cage, though, if you take more. If she is going to have another litter, let her try to find a home for them She'll see how hard it is to find a home for them. It'll slow down the process of her guinea pigs getting pregnant, bringing less guinea pigs into the world.
Make sure you only get males, because they can easily get prego.
If you choose not to take one from your friends' litter, you can go to and search for adoptable guineas near you.
I have 2 cages with 4 males in each. Nothing bad has happened. They've been like this since the beginning of the year. I'm sure they'll be alright.
The best way to do it is with a young adult and a growing pig. They have less problems accepting and dominating.
PLEASE check out:
It is a great idea. Males do not fight each other to death (as you already know). It is all about the way that you introduce them.
First off you will have to quarintine the younger piggy for about 3 weeks behind closed doors. When handling the young guinea pig always wear gloves and change your t-shirt before handling your other guinea pig. This will hopefully prevent any bugs or nasties that the younger one may have from going to the older one.
After doing this you need to introduce them. This should be done in a nuetral place. A lounge covered in a sheet is a good idea. Get one person to hold one guinea pig and the other person to hold the other guinea pig. Then you need to let go of the piggys and let them find each other in their own time. You will probably experience some but sniffing, teeth chattering but do not separate them until blood is drawn.
Here is a good site:
Good Luck!!

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