Thursday, July 30, 2009

AHH My gerbil had babies what do I do?!?!?

Both of my gerbils are girls. Today we discovered babies. Probably because the second gerbil, when we got it from SuperPetz it already mated. What do I do?? I've never breeded gerbils before, and I never expected for this to happen! :-(
Firstly, put the other gerbil in a diiferent cage. It is a female, i know, but on occasion they may attack the other gerbil's babies.
DO NOT HANDLE THE MOM! OR THE BABIES! When you change bedding, leave the nest alone. The babies will grow fur, then open thier eyes. Once the eyes are open, you can start handling the mom and babies for short periods of time. A week or two after the babies start eating solid food, as you will notice they will, you can start seliing them. Only sell them if the eat solid food, or else they will starve.
You can sell them to your freinds, but a respectable pet store works too.
You van keep the babies, give them to a pet store, or sell them.
Don't leave the mom with the babies or the mom will eat them!!
Well...I've never heard of a Gerbil being Spayed so I guess that's out of the question. LOL!
I assume all you can do is wait until they're old enough and give them away.
Awwwww, I want bad I have Cats! :(
P.S. Do they seem healthy?
How long ago did you get them? Check out the gestation period for gerbils and make sure that she was pregnant when you got her, otherwise it could mean that your other gerbil was missexed and is actually male, in which case you will need to seperate them to prevent further pregnancies.
leave her alone, seperate the other female. let mom raise her kids and then in a few weeks start looking for homes unless you want to keep them all.
DO leave them with the mom, otherwise if you seperate them...where would they get their feed? If there is something wrong with one of the pups, she will eat it..or if she is unable to care for them, she will.
The experienced poster here gives good advice. Listen to her!
Okay, put the babies in a different cage or else the mom might eat them! Call the petsmart or something and tell them if they could take them. I'm sorry I've never had this happen b4!
You can sale them? But you need to put the male babies In a seperate cage but make sure that the babies are 3 weeks old before you mess with them ! Hope I helped and Good luck with them!
I had gerbils and hamsters and they had tons of litters and I always gave away the litters to a certain pet store in exchange for merchandise. The mother needs to stay with her babies, of course (she may eat some, especially the hamsters, but usually it's the weak ones. That's life. Separate the male until you give the babies away. The babies are ugly at first and then they are REALLY cute, especially hamsters and they play- four little babies would run on the wheel at once! It's really on extra cost, except for the second cage, and they only live a year or two anyway if you get tired of them.
Sell them wen they r old enough then u will get money and wont need to worry about more gerbils.

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