Friday, July 31, 2009

Another hamster question?

what do you need for a hamster example:we need a cage for a hamster like a hamster requirement
Well your off to a good start. If you haven't already bought a cage i recommend critter trail cages, they have all different sizes. The cage should be mostly plastic, wire trays, ladders, and wheels can seriously injure your hamster. Exercise balls are great, they need their exercise in a safe place, also they love to hide, so any thing they can hide and sleep in is great. They also love to play so little balls and things keep them busy. Hamsters have to keep their teeth filed so wood chews are a requirement. Obviously a seed mix for food, treats such as hamsteroids, they are great for keeping their teeth down along with wood chews. Yogurt drops are great also it gives them good nutrition. Vitamins in the water are excellent! Bedding, the soft fluffy kind, they love to hide and sleep in it. Wood shavings for the bottom of the cage, make sure its nothing else besides Aspen shavings, they can die from any other type. Water bottles work much better then a water bowl, bowls can spill and if your hamster gets cold and wet it can die. Exercise wheels are a requirement also.One other thing is a litter box, you can litter train them. I hope i helped out some! Good Luck!
you also need a bowl for food
hamster food of course. usually carrots is a nice side food for hamsters they tend to like those and its good for them
a special water bottle made for hamsters (usually comes with cage)
some kinda chew toy for their teeth
and they make this grass like material to put in the hamsters cage
Ok, I have four guinea pigs, and a gerbil-among other critters.I am no hampster expert, but if I worked in a pet store, here is what I would recommend:
water bottle(oasis is good(brand))-one with ball in the tube)
If you have an aquarium, the bottle needs to either suction onto the cage or clip with a velcro type plastic device...if the cage is barred, then you can clip it on normally
hidey houses-wood
NO PLASTIC for hampsters-not safe
carefresh bedding-no pine or cedar(not safe for respiratory tracts)
shredded paper towel, t paper and tissue works well-as long as there is PLENTY
wooden chew toys(rodent section in pet sores)
timothy hay-shredding/bedding/fun -also can get brome hay, oat hay, or orchard grass
carboard boxes with holes cut in them for houses and toys
hampster food
I do not know about hampster diets unfortunately-treats? Not sure what they can eat for veggies and fruits
clay pots to hide in
food bowl-ceramic
clean cage with half water and vinegar solution-dry well-then reapply bedding as needed
That is all I can think of for now-make sure your water is not too cold when you give it to her/or him, may cause intestinal upset
also make sure it is purified water-no chlorine and stuff
I have a hamster and she has everything she needs. Your hamster needs a hamster ball to run around in, a wheel ( most cages provide this ) , food, fresh clean water,bedding, treats, and something to chew on. An empty toilet paper tube will work also. Hamsters love to chew on those! That's basically everything you need!
i have acage if you want it. It is wire, has a wheel, water bottle, and a food dish. $10
Some source of water and food.
Atleast two littles houses. The smaller one should be in the corner. Hamsters tend to pick a corner as their potty corner.
Fluff. NO wood shavings since they have oils on them that can cause health probelms.
I don't buy those expensive small little cages. No more for them to run.

What I do is I use those big plastic storage bins. Do not the put the top on.
Throw aleast like an inch and a half of fluff in because they love to tunnel. And a wheel for excerise but not a wire one because their feet can become caught and it can break their legs. You can buy silent wheels and they are actually quiet.
Any other questions feel free to email me.
1. its cage should be at least 24 inches long 12 inches wide and 16 inches high : their is different types of cages wire cages and glass cages (a glass cage is just a fish tank) my hamsters seem to prefer the wire type
2. water bottle and food dish(sometimes included in cage)
3. bedding(pay attention to the brand you get some are not good for hamster's)
4.biting toy so its teeth will not overgrow but you can also give it a dog biscuit(but only 2-3 times a week)
5.a block of salt(buy one at the pet store)
6.provide a sleeping box
7. a run about ball so it can play safely out side its cage. also provide other toys besides the wheel so your hamster wont get bored(for example a toilet paper roll)
for more info go to
A cage, a water bottle/dish, food dish, bedding (NOT pine or cedar. Carefresh is a great choice), a wheel (manditory! one with a solid base (not wire)). Food (both hamster food and daily fresh fruits/veggies). A place for the hamster to hide/sleep.
Other things that aren't a requirement but are recommended are chew toys, a hamster ball, tunnels and hamster play sets. (You can buy these things at the pet store or you can make your own at home. Ex: toilet paper tubes)
a habitrail cage, or a metal one of that size is usually fine. You should get a box for him to sleep in, of course a wheel, water bottle and food dish... you can put a glass jar in his cage as well. they're suppiosed to use this for their toilets, but y dwarf used it to store food. to each his won, I dwarf loves to climb around and stuff, so you could put a ladder and an extra shelf in the cage

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