Thursday, July 30, 2009

Air Freshners toxic to Guinea pigs?

What sprays are harmful to them?
all sprays and air fresheners are bad for animals to breathe in. don't let your animal be by any toxic chemicals. maybe go for the natural stuff, the stuff that is safe for animals to be around.
All air Freshners are toxic to any animal.My aunt had a bird and it died because she sprayed something around the house.Do not buy unless it says animal friendly.
Look on the back of the bottle.If it says "Keep away from children" you should probably not use it near their cage.If you need to spray some take the cage out of the room or area or cover it completely.
All of the regular sprays are, except if it actually says it is pet friendly. Try using Frebreze pet odor eliminator. It's safe for any pet.
Most, if not all , airfreshners are going to be harmful to your pigs. You shouldn't have any smells from your pigs' cage. They are not smelly pets. If you do have smell, then you need to clean out the cage more often. If the smell is bad for you, thinks about how bad it is form the little piggies who are in it 24/7. If it's their poop that stinks, you need to go to the vet. GP poop does not smell unless there is a digestive problem or infection.

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