Friday, July 31, 2009

Ants in my hamster cage help?

there were no ants erlierer
Check the cage once more time and see if the ants are focused on one food or anything in the hamster's cage.And then clean out all the stuff out of the cage,put fresh beddings,fresh water,and fresh food.And see if your hamsters ok.Also try to put the cage were its high like on a shelf or clean out were the ants habitat is.Don't use anything that would harm the hamster.
look for natural ant bait - i think it is boric acid powder - then sprinkle outside of cage - they are just after the food that hamsters always keep stored up
You may have to set it up on a stool or something that is over a little water or put legs of a table in jars of water if ants are real bad and they are the biting ones, clean cage regularly. Devise some kind of moat around the cage so the ants would have to go over water to get in.
boric acid on outside and cucumber peel inside cage will keep them out
Clean it out. *common sense*
move the cage somewhere else
Don't use any 'ant bait' as some of these produce odors which will affect the hamster if a left close enough. They are attracted to the odor of food (I don't see why they would come to droppings), so do clean it out more often and remove spoiled food daily.

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