Friday, July 31, 2009

An extra part to the question about hamster cages.?

Does it take a long while for a hamster to get acquainted with a new cage? I'm moving her from a small barred cage to hopefully something cool and big... The place is sure to dwarf my Campbells Russian Dwarf.. o.o. I hope she doesn't get lost...
Give her a day or two to adjust, where you only handle her a little if at all. Also, use some bedding from her old cage so the new one will have a familiar smell. She should adjust all right; chances are she moved from one cage to another when you got her.
Put some of the dirty bedding from the old cage into the new cage and your hamster will feel at home.
And I hope you don't use cedar or pine shavings in the cage as bedding..both are very bad for the hamster.
Use a product called "Carefresh" a paper product and completely safe.
2 days
Hi, I replied to your original question earlier.
It may take a few days to a week to get used to the new cage, your hamster will have to mark the cage as hers and leave her scent here and there, but she will love it i promiise. the bigger the cage, the happier she will be.
1-2 days to adjust
hamsters only take 4 hours to get accustomed and comfortable in their new cage.make sure the same rules still apply and it will be happy just like he was in the other cage.
any more questions feel free to e-mail me.
No longer than a week for a hammie to adjust. :)
dont worry if the cage is bigger the hamster will definately love it!

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