Thursday, July 30, 2009

Aggressive hamster question?

I have a dwarf hamster and she bites the crap out of anyone or thing that you put into the cage. I went to pick her up so I could clean the cage and she bite me 3 times, I ended up scooping her up in her house to move her. How do I curb this habit, cause right now I just want to flush her.
Put on gloves that are thick but thin enough to have a good hold on her. If she bites, don't let go until she stops bitting for a while. If you put her down right after she bites she will learn that biting hand = putting back in cage. Do this in the morning and at night everyday until she gets better with it.
I have had hamsters with the same problem.
Alot of hamsters bite. Im not for sure if she will grow out of it. You can try putting some gloves on and handle her more. That could stop the biting.
Hope this helps!
That really sucks! Your hammie i probably really scared. just leave her alone and hold her sometimes, if she still bites just take her back to the store or leave her alone. do not breed her because if she is already aggressive she will not do well with other things in her cage. she could hurt the mate or kill her own babies.
i wear gloves when handling my hamster
I have a feeling that the majority of the hamsters do this, probably because they think you're invading their "territory" or their home. You could probably her out of the cage then pick her up, because they usually tend to bite less outside. At least that's how my hamster was.
they are known to be aggressive, maybe you;ll get a syrian next time.

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