Friday, July 31, 2009

Another hamster food question?

i have 2 synire hamsters and wat kind of flowers or grass can i feed them
I give my hamsters dandelion leafs and clovers, but i make sure they have not got any pesticides of them and then i wash them under the tap for 5 mins and then give them to my hamsters. My hamsters love them and they can never get enough of them.
Hope it helps
hamsters can not eat flowers and i would not recommend feeding them grass from out side, it could have pesticides, and dog or cat wee on it. Stick to a commercial hamster food mix and a small supply of fresh fruit and veg.
Well here is some stuffs:
1.It is Syrian not Synire
2.Try sunflowers,hamsters absolutly love them!
3.Regular grass that doesn't have any pest killers or weed killer on it will be fine
Good luck and God Bless.
give them some timothy hay from petco
An easy way to give them grass, is go to a pet store like PetSmart and get some cat grass (make sure it's not cat nip )...
As for some other plants...this site should help:
I hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!
You can possibly feed them Pet Grass?!?

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