Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A problem with my hamster...?

I recently cleaned my hamster out and found out later that she had a bit a bedding stuck in its pouch. It soon got rid of it but later had another part stuck in it. i thought that wetting the bedding might make it easier to get it out. I would really appriciate some advice.
The grammar of your question is not standard American English so I don't know what in the bl*#dy he double hockey sticks you mean my good man!
Fix the question and maybe the Yamsters can advise you. IF in doubt, ALWAYS call the VET!
I thought hamsters were disposable. Why not throw this one away and spend a buck or two on a new one?
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, hamsters shove alsorts in their pouches, my friend told me today that her hamster had managed to shove three chocolate mini eggs in her pouch! Luckily she got them out. I wouldn't worry about it, I think eventually your hamster will remove it itself. Unless of course your hamster seems to be distressed in which case it might be a problem.
What kind of bedding do you use?
Never use pine or aspen shavings, it will cause all sorts of problems, especially wet tail.
Stick to recycled newspaper bedding (like Carefresh) or newpaper pellets. They are safe. and your hamster can do what ever it wants with it.
no biggie, just be sure to use super shavin's or aspen the rest pput out oils that are dangerous, and aspen is a good one to use, some people think its not. just be sure hammie dosn't puncture itself.

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