Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A pet mouse and you can see her insides..?

My friend has a mouse and about a month ago I saw it and there was a HUGE wound in its side, and you could almost see its organs. Today, I hear that the poor thing is still alive, and you actually can see its organs, and the gaping wound is not only on the one side but on the other as well full length. Nasty to say the least. What on earth could be causing this and why is it still alive?
Take it to the vet asap! Its problebly a skin infection. The vet will problebly give you some medicine or at least give you some advice.
Sounds like he has a fungal infection of some type. It's very contagiuos to humans. That poor mouse needs to see a vet ASAP.
well it could have a skin deasise you should take it to the Vet and ask though i cant see it to really give you a good answer
maybe she's nibbling on it.
i dunno...
the aliens did it
WOW. This mouse is really on the urge of life and death. The mouse probably started with a small wound and chewed on it a lot. Tell your friend she should take the mouse to the vet immediately. He might be surviving because it might not be his organs you see. It might just be ripped tissues on his skin.
It's a zombie mouse. If you don't kill it now it'll eat you and all your friends. And then the world will end.
Take the poor mouse to the vet.
Maybe he was bitten by a snake or whatever
She needs to take it to the vet. That poor mouse. It sounds like she was biting at something that was irritating her skin and now is chewing off the flesh that is getting infected. Talk about self mutilation. Something is eating this poor creature alive.
tell your friend to take it to the vet ASAP!!

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